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to Speak
Christopher Small
featured topics
Three Pillars of Business Success
There are three pillars to business success, and if you get these right everything else will fall into place: (1) old school business; (2) modern day marketing; and (3) antifragile mindset.
Unconventional Branding
Today there is an opportunity that may never present itself again. We have the ability to put ourselves in front of our ideal clients, create a strong, legitimate relationship with them, actually help them, AND become a household name, for pennies on the dollar. All you need is your phone, helpful information, and the unconventional game plan
Unconventional Networking
I hate networking. I rarely do it. Yet I get new clients via network referrals all the time. The key is turning networking on its head, networking unconventionally, to have referral partners excited to send you business.